RESOLUT RE Helps Restaurant Fix Underperforming Location

commercial-real-estate-resolut-re-helps-restaurant-fix-underperforming-location, a prominent player in the location analytics industry, recently carried out a case study featuring George Anderson, the RESOLUT RE Executive Vice President of Market Analytics, and his team. George and his team were able to successfully employ in an unconventional way to unravel the mystery behind the underperformance of a pizza restaurant’s location when compared to their other locations.

The Challenge

A craft pizza restaurant with multiple locations identified an underperforming store and sought RESOLUT RE’s help to determine the cause of the problem. A fast-growing craft pizza restaurant had just opened their 11th and 12th locations. While the one performed successfully, the other struggled. The restaurant looked to RESOLUT RE for answers — was the performance due to a bad location or some other problem?


Using to analyze the struggling store revealed that the store had similar conditions to the restaurant’s other locations, except for lower dwell time and loyalty, suggesting the root cause of underperformance was an operational issue. As a result, the owners decided to replace the management team at the struggling location, resulting in immediate improvements in performance.

When asked about the specific case study, George Anderson stated:

“The location and market were great. They had ingress and egress, parking, visibility, no competition, you name it. Why it struggled was a mystery…until we looked in Placer, which showed us that it was an easy-to-fix issue with management. Delivering insights like this position us as a true advisor to our clients, not just a real estate company, and that’s really helped us grow our business.”

Click here to read the original case study completed by

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