Hammerly Shopping Center

8788 Hammerly Boulevard, Houston, TX 77080

Property Highlights & Information

  • $1 million+ residences under construction surrounding
  • Major remodeling scheduled for 2025
  • Stable tenant mix, evolving and improving with income growth in the area
  • Well-established area retail, surrounded by prominent neighborhoods and homes
Space Available: 2,000 SF

Available Opportunities

For Lease 2,000 SF Inline
For Lease 600 SF Inline

Demographic Information

Population (3m)146,318
Average Household Income (3m)$131,215
Traffic CountHammerly Boulevard: 16,064 VPD (Source: COSTAR(2022))
Hollister Road: 5,407 VPD (Source: COSTAR(2022))



Lyle Cowand
Senior Vice President
Lorenzo Neal
Commercial Advisor

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