3200 Merrie Lynn

3200 Merrie Lynn Avenue, Austin, TX 78722

Property Highlights & Information

  • Move in ready
  • Available 5/1/25
  • 2nd Gen Office with Guest House and large yard
  • Situated near prime restaurants, retail, multifamily, and schools
  • Perfect for Salon, Office, Retail, & Special Use
Space Available: 1,400 SF

Available Opportunities

For Lease 1,400 SF Freestanding Building

Demographic Information

Population (3m)173,472
Average Household Income (3m)$138,086
Traffic CountManor Road: 11,762 VPD (Source: 2022)
Airport Blvd: 10,258 VPD (Source: 2022)



Michael Noteboom
Zahrah Stocks
Commercial Advisor

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