Corner Building - 5801 Dyer

5801 Dyer St, El Paso, TX 79908

Property Highlights & Information

across from a 160,000 Sq. Ft. WalMart

Superstore on Dyer St. and Broaddus Dr.

Property is located in one of the most

trafficked areas on the Northeast side of

town. Building is surrounded by retail,

commercial and residential developments.

Property available for Land Lease or Sale all

existing tenants are on short term leases

and can vacate within a reasonable time

Space Available: 18,730 SF

Available Opportunities

For Lease or For Sale 18,730 SF

Demographic Information

Population (3m)73,378
Average Household Income (3m)$47,562
Traffic CountDyer St: 18,122 VPD (Source: TDT: 2021)
Fred Wilson: 26,526 VPD (Source: TDT: 2021)



Sergio Tinajero
Hector J. Martinez, CCIM
Commercial Advisor

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