0.46 AC Lot - 14150 Horizon Blvd

14150 Horizon Blvd, El Paso, TX 79928

Property Highlights & Information

On the busy Horizon Blvd. Just 2 blocks away

from the new WalMart Superstore, Taco

Bell and Whataburger and 1 block west of

Kenazo Ave. where AutoZone, Walgreen’s,

Vista Supermarket, Burger King and many

other National and local businesses are

located. Great visibility and easy access/


Horizon City is one of the fastest areas of

growth in El Paso County and has seen

many new commercial and residential

developments including the new soon to

be constructed hospital by The Hospitals of



Land Available: 0.46 Acres

Available Opportunities

For Lease or For Sale .46 Acres

Demographic Information

Population (3m)51,512
Average Household Income (3m)$77,700
Traffic CountHorizon Blvd: 26,303 VPD (Source: TDT: 2022)
Duanesburg Ave: 1,296 VPD (Source: TDT: 2022)



Sergio Tinajero
Ernesto Salas
Commercial Advisor

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